kamea chayne kamea chayne

Dreaming up radical ways to address our global food waste scandal

Tristram shares how we’ve come to adopt a wasteful, linear food system, how we can be more respectful to nature in spite of our economy undervaluing what is truly invaluable, how we can rewire our broken food system through delivery services driven by supply of what is available rather than consumer demand, and more. 

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kamea chayne kamea chayne

Why we need to rethink and open up how we address climate change

Judith shares why fixating on reducing carbon emissions alone is a shortsighted approach to tackling climate change, how 'organic' is losing its standards and meaning, what it means that we've been managing against environmental challenges rather than managing for them, and more. 

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kamea chayne kamea chayne

Accepting there is no orthodoxy in environmentalism to activate everyone

Hear about why the dominant narrative that we're destructive as humans actually does our work for sustainability a disservice; the importance of accepting that there are a wide variety of ways people connect with and help protect nature; how we can come together to create a larger positive impact through collective action; and more.

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