Rosamund Portus: A preemptive mourning of bee decline (ep397)
Rosamund Portus on bee/insect species extinction, slow violence, multi-species entanglement, ecological grief, art, creativity, and advocacy
Staci K. Haines: Somatics for trauma healing and transformative justice (ep396)
Staci K. Haines on somatics, power-over dynamics, hierarchies, and collective interdependence
Andreas Weber: The ecological dimension of love (ep395)
Andreas Weber on the ecological dimension of love, seeing the biosphere as a meaning-creating and poetic reality, and more.
Vijay Prashad: Reviving collective life and scaling small gestures of care (ep394)
Vijay Prashad on scaling up gestures of humanity, reviving our collective lives through rebuilding confidence and capacity, and more.
James Bridle: ‘Artificial’ intelligence and lies of a computerizable world (ep393)
James Bridle on the fallacy of a computable world, corporations as a form of artificial intelligence, and more.
Eben Kirksey: Boundless entanglements with the virosphere (ep392)
Eben Kirksey on the thought-provoking lessons from thinking with viruses.
Enrique Salmón: Ancestral foodways that enrich local landscapes (ep391)
Enrique Salmón on “eating the landscape,” kincentric ecology, living knowledges, and more.
Rosetta s. Elkin: Troubling mass tree-planting and afforestation (ep390)
Rosetta Elkin on politicizing afforestation, reorienting towards growing trees and not planting trees, and more.
Dany Celermajer: Multispecies justice and more-than-human entanglements (ep389)
Dany Celermajer on multispecies justice, our deep entanglements with the more-than-human world, the limitations of rights-based frameworks, and more.
Daniel Immerwahr: Empire remade through technology (ep388)
Daniel Immerwahr on the greater history of the United States empire.
Shakara Tyler: Black farming as joyous, victorious, and glorious (ep387)
shakara tyler on reframing Black agrarianism as joyous, victorious, and glorious, how Black farmers were integral to the Civl Rights movement, the significance and meaning of “rematriation”, and more.
Jen Telesca: The managed extinction of the giant bluefin tuna (ep386)
Jennifer E. Telesca on Xx, and more.
Thom Van Dooren: The evolving cultures of the more-than-human world (ep385)
Thom van Dooren on the evolving cultures of more-than-human life, various stories of species at the edge of extinction, and more.
Rebecca Giggs: The world as reflected in the whale (ep384)
Rebecca Giggs on how whaling accelerated and shaped the historical process of industrialization, what impacts various industrial activities have had on whale songs and cultures, the critical role of migratory species, such as the Bogong moth, on enriching the habitats that they pass through, and more.
Gabes Torres: Re-rooting therapy and re-membering community (ep383)
Gabes Torres on the lasting impacts of intergenerational trauma, the troubles of over-pathologizing and arbitrary pathologizing, dreams of a world where therapy is no longer needed, and more.