Vivien Sansour: Palestinian seeds of survival, shelter, and subversiveness (ep416)
Vivien Sansour on relating to the subversive nature of seeds, her work leading the Palestine Heirloom Seed Library, the relationship between grief and seeds, and more.
Anna Guasco: Justice, histories, and narratives of gray whale migration (ep415)
Anna Guasco on Grey Whale histories, entanglements, and re-oriented fieldwork through an ethics of deep-listening.
BONUS: Imagination, escapism, and disorientation in stretching alternative possibilities
A bonus episode on dreaming and imagining otherwise
Ang Roell: Collective care and responsiveness in the hives of honeybees (ep414)
Ang Roell on honeybee culture, decentering logics of hierarchy, pollinating networks of collective care, and more.
Hilding Neilson: Astro-colonialism and honoring the stories of our dark skies (ep413)
Hilding Neilson on integrating Indigenous knowledges into astronomy, honoring the stories of our cosmos, and more.
Laurie Palmer: Lessons from lichen worlds (ep412)
Laurie Palmer on the five radical traits of lichen, how people can imagine otherwise through learning how lichen relates, and more.
Dekila Chungyalpa: Engaging faith leaders for planetary healing (ep411)
Dekila Chungyalpa on engaging faith leaders in support of environmentalism, fostering interdependent communities, thinking with deep time, and more.
Zoe Todd: Embodied listening for freshwater fish futures (ep410)
Zoe Todd on critical Indigenous fish philosophy, the relationship between local and Indigenous sovereignty and freshwater fish futures, and more.
Charlotte Wrigley: Respecting permafrost and moving beyond their stories of apocalypse (ep409)
Charlotte Wrigley on moving beyond apocalyptic narratives of permafrost, thinking with the theme of discontinuity, troubling de-extinction projects, and more.
Siv Watkins: Intimacy with the microbial world (ep408)
Siv Watkins on what microanimism means, considering the agency of microbial beings, how bacteria challenge concepts of self, and more.
Patricia Kaishian: Lessons from fungi as queer companions (ep407)
Patricia Kaishian on mycology as a queer discipline, the relationship between fungi and peoples of Armenian diaspora, naming as a practice of honoring, and more.
Eshe Lewis: Black anthropology and streamlining storytelling (ep406)
Eshe Lewis on Black anthroplogy, streamlining storytelling, her research with Afro-Peruvian women, and more.
Lama Khatieb: Reclaiming local knowledge for food interdependence (ep405)
Lama Khatieb on food interdependence, Al-Barakeh, Jordanian farming, wheat production, local food knowledge, community empowerment
Daniel Ruiz-Serna: Living territories and the ecological violence of war (Ep404)
Daniel Ruiz-Serna on human and more-than-human rights, the ecological violence of war, living territories in Bajo Atrato, Columbia, and more.