exploring our paths to collective healing, biocultural revitalization, and true abundance & wellness for all…

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sample our community favorite episodes

that shift and expand…

  1. Slowing down and letting go of human centrality, ft. Bayo Akomolafe

  2. Allowing the Earth to dream through us, ft. Vanessa Andreotti

  3. Regenerating the human spirit, ft. Monica Gagliano

  4. Sacred activism and contextualized spirituality, ft. Alnoor Ladha

  5. Money as sacred medicine, ft. Edgar Villanueva

  6. Rewilding myths and storytelling, ft. Sophie Strand

listener reviews

“Favorite podcast of all time. Every two episodes I find myself mind-blown. There are so many things that must be analyzed and deconstructed. Kamea leads the way in a warm and nonjudgmental but efficient manner.” – @BrounyBest

“Green Dreamer constantly pushes me to expand the way I interact with the world we are within. Kamea and the guests she hosts challenge, provoke, and provide solace. I am constantly impressed by the level of preparation and thoughtfulness Kamea brings to each conversation.” – @hannahg93

“Check out the info, variety of perspectives, and framing of questions for conversations unlike other 'green' podcasts I listen to. Big props to Kamea for creating and leading this jewel of a podcast with her depth and breadth of knowledge.” – @LaQandy

a note from your host

At the start of 2018, I felt like I was beginning to spiral downward into the doom and gloom of learning about our multilayered, larger-than-life, socio-ecological crises. I felt overwhelmed, unsure of where I could receive critical guidance on our paths toward collective healing—especially after having observed the diverse and often conflicting ways that different people, interest groups, and cultures define “progress” for humanity.

That was when I started Green Dreamer. I wanted to get to know what creative and bold initiatives people have already started, how different communities have been nurturing collective transformation, and how thinkers with different backgrounds and perspectives have been philosophizing and making sense of these troubled times.

We recently celebrated Green Dreamer’s 6th year anniversary and its huge milestone of 400 episodes. This has been an extremely humbling journey for me, and my curiosities have only grown and deepened. Every conversation inspires me to look at the world through more expansive lenses. At the same time, I often feel like I end up with many more questions than answers. As unsettling as that may be, what I am certain of is that it is time to uproot and unravel what too many of us have come to accept as “just how things work.”

We invite you to join us to become more imaginative in dreaming up our futures, reorient “growth” towards what matters most to our well-being, and recalibrate our measurements of abundance. And if you believe in the value of our in(ter)dendent, critical media efforts, become a supporting member today to tap into our bonus and extended content and help keep our community-powered platform going!